Thursday, July 12, 2012

Healthy chocolate recipe made from cacao powder

Recently, I made a chocolate from scratch - from cocoa powder! It tastes a bit different from the ones you get at stores, but it's a lot more healthier and yummy! I was asked to share the recipe by quite a few people, so here it is!

As usual, I didn't measure any of the ingredients, but made it with the "this-is-about-right" amounts, so you will need to adjust them according to your taste.


- cacao powder (about 1/2 cup)
- coconut oil
- cinnamon
- stevia (or other sweeteners you like, such as honey, agave nectar, brown sugar, etc.)

How to make it:

- put cocoa powder, cinnamon and stevia in a container and mix them well. Check the taste at this point and make it a bit sweeter than how you like it to be
- put coconut oil in a pan and heat it until it becomes liquid (I was able to skip this step, as I live in Florida and my coconut oil was already in a liquid form without heating it!)
- Using a tablespoon, add coconut oil into the mixture of #1 above. When you do this, stir every time you add another spoonful and keep adding it until it gives the thickness of your liking. Make sure not to add too much oil and make it too weak. The color should be dark and it should be pretty thick, not liquidy.
- Optional: Add dark cherries, blueberries, raw nuts, if you like. It tastes better if you defrost frozen ones and use them, rather than using fresh ones.
- Optional: sprinkle rough xylitol on top of it evenly
- Put it in a refrigerator

That's all!

It's super yummy!! Try it and let me know how you like it!

Me :)

PS: People say cocoa contains antioxidant. It may be. However, just eating chocolate is not quite enough to get it! Taking vitamin E is a great way of getting antioxidant! You can get it at my online store, Kenkobi Factory: We ship internationally.

This one has dark cherries in it! :)

Sunday, July 1, 2012

New non-fat dressing recipe

I didn't really cook till just a few years ago. I was always very busy and just didn't have the time (that is my excuse!).  Once I started it, I found cooking to be quite fun. I really enjoy it. I don't want to give you a false idea, though, that I'm now a super cook! I'm nowhere near that, yet! Everything I make is very simple, but is easy and quick.

While I get some recipes from my friends or the internet, I often invent new ones of my own. I just come up with the idea of mixing certain things and can imagine how the taste would come out - well, most of the times.

With this reason, my recipes usually don't come with the exact measurement, as I hardly measure things. I just put things together with the amount which I feel "right."

Anyway, I just came up with the most delicious salad dressing, so wanted to share it with you:

- 2 tablespoons of plain Greek yogurt
- 2 tablespoons of mustard (I used stoneground one, simply because I like that kind, but I think any kind would do)
- a bit of unsweetened coconut milk
- a bit of stevia

It is very creamy and sooooo good! Try it and let me know how you like it.

Have a great weekend!


PS: If you want to take healthy oil by supplements, my online store, Kenkobi Factory, can help you! Go visit

I LOVE salad!! :)