Monday, March 5, 2012

How to make jelly - the plant-based way!

I'm not a vegan or vegetarian. I do eat meat and fish, and I love them. I think everyone's body's different and while some people do great with plant-based foods/protein only, my body doesn't do well, if I eliminate animal protein completely. I feel lethargic, lack of energy and experience water retention.

However, I'm trying to have as much plant-based products as possible, since I feel they are cleaner foods (whether it is correct or not. I just FEEL that way).

Today, I wanted to show you this product called "kanten" - a hardening agent (In English, it is called "agar" ( I use this when I make jelly. It is very commonly used in Japan (and I believe in the rest of the Asian countries, too).

OK, here are the photos:


I always use kanten instead of gelatin, simply because I just can't handle the idea of gelatin - derived from the collagen inside animal's skin and bones! Ugh....

There are several brands, but make sure to get a powdered one. It's a lot easier to use than solid ones. You can get it at any Japanese Supermarket, such as Mitsuwa or Nijiya here in the US, or at any Asian market, I believe. You can also get it here:

(Just to let you know, my online store,, is not related to this store at all. This is an online Japanese supermarket which I personally found very convenient)

Let me know how you like it. I would love to get your feedback! :)

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